Purple Drain
Motherboard Type: Smash 4 Black
Custom Buttons: Bald (Purple With Gold Shimmer) (@selst0r)
Custom Resin C-Stick: Black
Braided Cable: YES (Purple White Dashes)
Adjustable Snapback Mod (H/V): YES
Lubricated StickBox: YES
Trigger Modifications: Signature Trigger Treatment
PODE Level: Close to None
Pivot Capabilities: Flawless (Smash 4 Black)
LedgeDash: 7/10
Disjoint: Close to None
Top Shell: JP-White
Bottom Shell: Smash 4 Black
Notches: WaveDash Notches + UCF Shield Drop Notches
CAN Be Notched: YES if wanted
Game Recommended For: Melee
Character Recommended For: Marth / Sheik
Description: This build features an S4 motherboard which means that PODE will not develop at such a rapid rate if at all, while keeping the feeling of a tight stick. Often when making controllers for top Marth’s and Sheik’s I often find these kinds of motherboards to use for them. With extremely consistent pivots, dashback out of crouch, and ease of other techniques, this is a very solid and reliable controller for any competitive player, with touches of purple to tie the entire build together.